Figuring out what’s going on can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help. Introducing a simple step-by-step tool to help you spot signs of learning and thinking differences.
This tool is not a replacement for a diagnostic evaluation; instead, it’s designed to empower you to gather the information you need and seek support from practitioners.
Elena Giddins, Grade 12
“When I struggle with reading, I’ll get very frustrated, if I’m honest. I’ll be like, ‘Why can’t I just read this like any other person can?’”
Emperor Kaioyus, Grade 4
“I have a hard time focusing, mostly in school. When I do my homework, I kind of feel stressed out because it feels like so much even though it’s not too much.”
Thomas Pinones, Grade 6
“Whenever I’m angry, it feels like I’m smashing a keyboard. Because I always get frustrated when I’m mostly confused or when I don’t understand why I get a low grade.”
Jayden Shjarback, Grade 2
“Getting angry feels like I’m on fire. When I’m calm, I feel like I’m in a quiet room with nothing to bother me.”
Isabella Williams, Grade 10
“Organization, I find it hard to organize. It’s easy for me to organize a backpack, but when it comes to organizing a room or something, it’s hard for me.”
Take N.O.T.E. step-by-step
Talk with other people who can help support your child, like pediatricians, teachers, and other caregivers.
“What’s really great about’s Take N.O.T.E. site is the vast amount of information that’s available to parents as a resource. It’s the kind of resource that I wish I had when we started on this journey with my son to gather more information and figure out what was going on with him.”
Lynn Marvin, Parent
“Take N.O.T.E. is a guiding light to parents and caregivers looking for help with their child who has learning and thinking differences.”
Stephanie Shjarback, Parent
“As the mom of a student who learns and thinks differently, I understand how difficult it can be to go through the evaluation process. Take N.O.T.E. is a program that helps you understand, observe, and identify the needs your student may have prior to an evaluation process. That’s the reason why I’m eager to share it with other teachers and other parents.”
Christina Gutierrez, Teacher
“Parents and caregivers: I strongly encourage you to check out the Take N.O.T.E. resources to learn more about how to best partner with schools to support your child.”
Jessica Cisneros, Teacher
For educators

The signs of learning and thinking differences aren’t always clear, and families may not know how to make sense of what they’re seeing. They may feel overwhelmed, not knowing who to turn to for information.
Educators play an important role in this process.
Our partners
The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
UnidosUS is the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization. Through expert research, advocacy, programs, and an affiliate network of nearly 300 community-based organizations, UnidosUS challenges the social, economic, and political barriers that affect Latinos.
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